Monday, May 12, 2008


hey i need to know if i can use a jacket for my display if not please let know? can I interview my grandmother on how she came to America even though my main subject is about my mother? What did we discuss on Thursday i was not here? Can you email the worksheet that we need to do for homework for that thursday? Thanks you


1 comment:

Daniel Hartwig said...


How big is the jacket? Depending on the number and size of the items other students are using, I can only say maybe at this point. We will certainly try to fit it in if possible.

I think it would be great if you interview your grandmother. The more stories, the more family members you can get, the better your project will be.

We didn't have class on Thursday since we had the David Blight talk on Monday. On Friday though we will go over homework for sessions 3 & 4.

